Clinical psychologist, psychotherapist specialized in Gestalt and body psychotherapy, trained in the work with dreams according to the Jungian and Gestalt approaches, sexuality and in the SAT program by Claudio Naranjo.

Since 2009 I am working as a psychotherapist, face-to-face (Rome, Macerata province, Parma province) and by Skype as well.

During the consultations, I combine various techniques going through the speech, the work on the body, the phototherapy, the plastic arts, the theatre – mainly based on the work of Boal and Grotowsky – the meditation, the dream analysis. This is the best way to promote your development at 360 °, considering all the areas of your reality to facilitate a complete and conscious vision of the vital moment you are going through.

In the further information, you will find the issues where I intervene.

I carry out individual, couple and family consultations, with adults and adolescents.


Below you will find the list of areas where I intervene:
  • Burnout

  • Vicarious Trauma / Compassion fatigue

  • Acute Stress Disorder – ASD

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD; complex PTSD

  • Contact with highly stressful environments: health staff, social workers, people exposed to the suffering of others, to physically demanding shifts, expats on missions in foreign countries – humanitarian workers, army personnel, scientific personnel –

  • Anxiety, sleep disorders, nervous tics, psychosomatic reactions, nervousness, emotional instability, concentrating difficulty, making decisions difficulty

  • Depression

  • Mourning

  • Disease: support during periods of disease and also in chronic or terminal situations; both for affected people and caregivers as well

  • Moments of crisis and change

  • Eating disorders

  • Disorders in the sphere of sexuality

  • Relationship difficulties

  • Adaptation difficulty

  • Addictions: relationship, substances, internet, smartphones, working out/sport, sex, gambling, work, shopping;

  • Sport activity

The first four issues deserve some additional considerations, precisely because of the increasing use made of these terms and the confusion that may rise up. These considerations are detailed in the further information dedicated to expats (those who live / work abroad).


fill in the form to contact me

+39/342 3269368
